Noetic India (9)


Why outsource to Noetic Technologies? We have a skilled work force to manage ours various divisions i.e. Library Automation, Software Services, Digital Media and ITES. Periodic training is imparted to our staff to inform about the latest developments and technologies in their respective areas of…

Web Content Organizer – WCO

Institutional website is emerging as a marketing tool and facilitates interaction with the users and customers. We undertake development of portal & website as per the client’s specifications. We also extend the services for their maintenance and updates. We offer Web Content Organizer(WCO) suit…

Vidushi- New Millennium Library & Knowledge Management Software

Vidushi- New Millennium Library & Knowledge Management Software supporting the library to change over to the 21st century digital library form through specially developed software tools. Their wide coverage starts from managing the currents operations and extends up to the digital preservation. Vidushi - a software…

DOER – Document Management Systems (DMS) by Noetic Technologies

DOER – A solution developed by Noetic Technologies provides all above features of DMS and is affordable to small & medium organizations too. Features We employ a variation of what is technically called as the Software as a Service (SaaS) approach for providing a total solution to the client.