CRISTALS - Paperless Patient Care
Digital Analysis and Cognitive Report Generation: Need for a Comprehensive Service Solution
To invest continuously to maintain and upgrade the information infrastructure is a burden for the hospital. Hiring services to manage all types of records and generate value added reports is the solution. In this regard a comprehensive information system with analytics support that would serve the hospitals, medical professionals and patients gainfully is of paramount importance. For example, determining a relation between disease, line of treatment and outcome by advanced analytical tools or analyzing patients’ stay pattern would help in future decisions about treatment and capacity planning, respectively.
On a typical day a consultant or doctor in a hospital has to deal with a wide range of information topics. They may relate to patient diagnosis and care like X-rays and scans, patient response to prescribed medical regime apart from pharmaceutical information, insurance-coverage regulations and various circulars. Similarly the staff of the paramedical, administration and finance departments has to track different types of records daily for monitoring and decision making. Separate software applications might be used by them for this purpose. An integrated software solution that can search, retrieve and link query-related available hospital records in digital text, audio and picture or video forms would be most welcome in such situations. Authorized (24×7) access to the pertinent facts and figures through any personal digital device can certainly facilitate urgent consultation by doctors, particularly to deal with emergencies.
A continuously updated system with multi-layered retrieval facility would certainly serve all the stakeholders including patients. This is to be done, however, without compromising the security and integrity of the data. Immense benefits can accrue to hospital finance and administration and even teaching and research. Such a comprehensive service solution is designed by our Company that is described below.
CRISTAL Services
We employ a variation of what is technically called as the Digital Analysis and Cognitive Services for providing a total solution to the client. This philosophy is quite different from selling the software product as one time activity. We believe that providing data service support to the client is equally important. Our Comprehensive Information System and Analytics (CRISTAL) Services ensures continuous association with the client and updating of application as per the ensuing need rather than bringing out the next version of the software according to our software development plans. In our view what a client basically wants from the solution-product is not mere ownership, but full functional delivery by the product. With that perspective we offer to owe complete responsibility of day to day functionality of the on-premises installation of our software solution along with data preparation. The client is thus not burdened with software maintenance and database management problems by our said approach. The product becomes operational from the day one.
This product service subscription model also avoids huge one-time upfront investment. Further the overheads including staff deployment costs are minimized for the client. So, even a client with limited budget can take advantage of this service. The client subscribing to our product-service package benefits by an enduring service relationship with no maintenance fees. The approach is flexible to customize our solution addressing to the immediate, medium or long-term needs of the client. We offer suitable service-level agreements to the subscriber to assure the quality, availability, meeting the internal standards for data security and privacy besides support commitment.
CRISTAL Services have received a favorable professional review and that shows its potential use in practice.